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Iwan Azis


About Iwan

He has been teaching at Cornell University since 1992 and University of Indonesia since 1977. He was the Director of Graduate Study at the Regional Science Program and adjunct professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management before he took a leave to head the Asian Development Bank’s Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI). He is now professor (adj), Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell and professor of economics at the Faculty of economics and business, University of Indonesia

In early 1998, he spoke before the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) of the US Congress on the Asian Crisis. His main research interest is on macro-financial economics and regional economic modeling and institutions. He has conducted research and consulting work for various international organizations, governments and universities, and published numerous books and articles on current development issues, the latest of which are

“Capital Market in the Context of Financial Safety Nets”in Asian Capital Market Development and Integration: Challenges and Opportunities, Oxford University Press, 2014;

“Global Shock, Asian Vulnerability and Financial Reform,” Edward Elgar  2014

Integration, Contagion, and Income Distribution” in Regional Science Matters, Springer, 2015

"ASEAN’s Need to Rebalance: More Regional than Global?” in Transpacific Rebalancing, Brookings Institution Press, 2015

“Managing Elevated Risk: Global Liquidity, Capital Flows, and Macroprudential Policy—an Asian Perspective,”  Springer 2015

Four-G Episode and the Elevated Risks, Asia Pacific Economic Literature John Wiley & Sons, 2016

He obtained his Bachelor in economics from the University of Indonesia (1976); Ph.D (1982) and Master’s degree (1981) in Regional Science and Economics from Cornell University.

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Example of activities 2010-mid-2015