Papers Before 2010
A Simulation Study of Changing External Trade
Annals Regional Science-Simulating
Do we know real causes of AFC-Global Financial Turmoil and Reform
Pidato Pengukuhan Professor UI
AEB-Resolving ASEAN Conflict-1
China-FinancialSequencing-No p1
Comparative Analysis of Intercity Agglomeration
Economy and Ecology Sustainable Development
European Journal of Operational Research
Global Financial Turmoil and Reform
Global Imbalance US Policy CTM
Inpres Role In The Reduction-AEJ
Intergovernmental Transfers and Decentralisation
Interregional Allocation of Resources
Linking Pollution and Macroeconomic Variables
New Conflicts Between Developed and Developling-complete journal
Pre and Post Crisis-Ch6-UNUBook
Spatial Development in Indonesia
The Future of Asia-Pacific Economies